Monday, November 17, 2008

Success is not what I value the most

by Courtney Smith
Class of '09

I feel the breeze on my face on a cool, crisp Saturday morning in October. I am so nervous, yet so calm. As I step to the line I hear the grass crunch beneath my spikes. I take a deep breath and am ready. The sound of the gun sends me on a three mile journey up and down hills, through woods and fields. I push my mental and physical barriers to the limits.

Cross country is so much more than a sport to me. I have run cross country for seven years and made many memories and had much success along the way. To be successful in cross country, you must have passion; an inner drive to give more than you think you have, every time out. No, things don’t always work out the way you want. “You can fight without ever winning, but you can never ever win without a fight.” I have been fortunate enough to experience success. And it sure is sweet. But the success I have had is not what I value most about the sport. I value the friendships I have made and the lessons I have learned. Through cross country I have learned to fight for what you want with everything you have. I have learned to be a caring teammate. I have learned how to take success, as well as deal with failures.

This season has held many unforgettable memories. Starting in the summer, we have trained with each other daily. Four months went by incredibly quickly. Coach’s lame jokes always brightened the day. And thanks Wever, for always making a comment about my breathe-right strip or tan line from my knee brace and how good they made me look. Brianna attacking me for Lizzie’s puppy chow at the Jerseyville meet was quite frightening. Getting to the school at 4:20 a.m. to travel to the East Peoria meet was probably the best morning ever! “Good morning sunshine!” Also at that meet, for the girls who hid in the corn stalks with me, that was super fun. And let’s not forget the crazy coach yelling, “There is FATIGUE on his face!” For those who traveled to Peoria when we spent the night, playing on the magical playground and running in the mystical forest was unforgettable. As well as having bets on if the guys we saw at the mall were cross-country guys or chess team members. The green vs. black team day at practice was super entertaining with everyone’s spirited attire. And let’s not forget “certain” jokes- I mean, after all, who likes fast girls and intellectuals? There were so many fun and crazy personalities on the team this year- I particularly enjoyed all the silliness in the freshmen- but they sure can do work when it's business time.

To Kristin and Abbey, my fellow captains: we have grown up together. I am so glad that we are more than just teammates: we are close friends. I feel like I can talk to either of you about anything and you will always be there, no matter what. Thank you. To Steph and Ellen: you two will be such great captains next year. I love you both! To the senior girls: thanks for a great season and good luck in college. To all the younger girls: thanks for making my senior year a great one! (and putting up with my bossiness all season) You girls are full of character and always fun to be around. Continue to work hard in both school and running and you will be pleasantly rewarded. To the guys: congratulations on a great season! To the ones I’ve known for awhile- thanks for the memories; and to the new ones - I guess you are pretty cool too - even if you are too lazy sometimes to put up the tent or pick up trash after the meets. To all the parents and the booster club: thanks for always supporting us; taking pictures, traveling to meets, selling concessions, and always making sure we had enough to eat and drink. To Coach P: you have done way more than could be expected of you for us girls. Thanks. Your “Good luck, Court” before a race means so much. You have helped us girls through some tough times. Thanks for making the girls and guys teams a family. To Coach Chapman: thank- you soo much for everything! You have made such a positive impact on my life. Thank you for always believing in me, motivating me, and always being proud of me - no matter what. You deserve much more credit that you get. I’m going to miss you.

Four years of high school has gone by so fast. I can still remember my first week at summer practice freshman year. It was nerve-wracking to say the least. And I was actually somewhat quiet - though it may be hard to believe. Cross helped me to meet some of the older girls in the school and actually be more than teammates with them - be their friend. I’m glad the younger girls now are more than teammates to me as well. I truly appreciate being able to be on the cross-country team and to have had so much success, made so many friends, and learned so many things along the way.

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