Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ariane and the Boy's Team Qualify for State!

Members of the girls team join together for a team photo after Sectionals. The girls ran a great race and finished 8th, just 25 point out of a State Qualifying spot. Team members include: Allie Sweatt, Courtney Lybarger, Brianna Chamberlain, Alex Wever, Diane Frese, Ariane Wright (individual qualifier), Heba Freese, Kennedy Rodderick, and Megan Kiel.
Members of the Boy's Team pulled out a 5th place finish to advance to the State Meet next weekend. In the photo are Andrew Patterson, Caden Cramsey, Ryker Frohock, Chad Maxwell, Garrett Sweatt, Joel Burroughs, Michael Gorsage, and Austin Abegg.
Congratulations on a great Sectional Meet. Photos by Vickie Maxwell.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Beth Warnecke and Vickie Maxwell Provide Regional Pictures

Good help is hard to find, but even harder to keep in line. Kira Patrylak, helping out at the chute for the first time this season, is in charge of keeping Larry Thompson and Keith Dudding under control. Actually, I would like to thank everyone who helped out with the Regional Meet, which we co-hosted with Granite City. First off, thank you to Richard Skirball (Sr. and Jr.) for the idea of us hosting at Granite and their help with course set-up. Thank you to Dan and Joan Abegg. Dan did a tremendous job as Vice President of Cross-Country this season. They also helped set up and manage the concession stand and t-shirt sales. Our professional timing and chute management team of Dudding and Thompson were also present at the finish line. It means a lot to me that our program has had such a positive impact in the lives of our athletes and their families that parents such as Larry and Keith come back and help out even though their children now attend major universities. I would also like to thank the Maxwells, Dennis Cramsey, and all other parents that volunteered on Saturday. I apologize if I missed anyone. You guys are the best!!!
Congratulations Sectional Qualifiers Ali Sweatt, Courtney Lybarger, Briana Chamberlain, Heba Freese, Ariane Wright, and Diane Freese (Alex Wever not pictured).
2010 Sectional Qualifiers: Chad Maxwell, Joel Burroughs, Andrew Patterson, Caden Cramsey, Ryker Frohock, Dameon Morgan, and Garrett Sweatt (not pictured, but running Saturday are Michael Gorsage and Austin Abegg).

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Garrett Sweatt 1st at Granite City Regional, Tigers finish 2nd to O'Fallon, advance to sectionals next week

Garrett Sweatt battles O'Fallon's Connor Ryan just past the one-mile mark at Granite City. Sweatt went on to win the boys race in a time of 15:12. Photo by Tom Atwood.
For complete results from today's regional meet, click here.

Ariane Wright finishes 3rd at the Granite City regional Saturday, helping the EHS girls advance to the sectional meet. Photo/Tom Atwood

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tigers Finish 2nd at Conference. Photos by Beth Warnecke

Arian Wright leads the Tigers to a second place finish by finishing 3rd overall at River's Edge on Friday night.
Members of the Boys Varsity squad finished second on Friday. Racing for the Tigers are Garrett Sweatt, Chad Maxwell, Austin Abegg, Andrew Patterson, Michael Gorsage, Ryker Frohock, and Caden Cramsey.
Alex Wever battle with a runner from Collinsville with about 1200 meters left in the Varsity race at Conference.
It's basically all Edwardsville and O'Fallon at the 1200 mark on Friday. Garrett Sweatt was the Southwest Conference Champion for the third consecutive year.
Members of the the Girls JV team at the start of the JV race at River's Edge on Friday.

Monday, October 11, 2010

More Home Coming 2010 Photos

This picture, by Annette Mueller, shows Joel Burroughs and his date Zandy Koonce.
Vickie Maxwell catches some XC runners and their dates in, what I consider, normal poses. Included in the photo is Ariane Wright, Chad Maxwell, Prakash Kandula, Andrew Patterson, and Kennedy Roderick.
This photo, taken from Allie Sweatt's Facebook page, includes Collin Christ, Alan Bonk, Josh Bertels, Chandler Reed, Jacob Trueb, Chris Miller, and Matt Davis.
With a more sophisticated pose this time, Vickie Maxwell photographs Chad Maxwell, Kennedy Roderick, Andrew Patterson, Ariane Wright, and Prakash Kandula.
A little bit of Facebook creeping found this picture of freshman Jacob Trueb and Allie Sweatt!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Centralia and Home Coming Pictures

Beth Warnecke catches members of the Boys Varsity Team meeting with Coach Mclendon and Coach P. before their race at Centralia.
The start of the Boys Varsity Race at Centralia is captured by Beth Warnecke.
Ryker Frohock is captured by Beth Warnecke on Saturday. Ryker was the first finisher for the Tigers at Centralia.
Tom Atwood took this image of former Tiger Ellen Atwood, Alex Wever, Diane Frese, and Briana Chamberlain before Home Coming.
Who are these lovely ladies? I know Tom Atwood takes great photos, but this lovely ladies are Lizzy Anderson, Briana Chamberlain, Diane Frese, Ellen Atwood, Alex Wever, and Courtney Lybarger.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Scenes of the Ladies from the Madison County Championships

Members of the girls varsity team: Ariane, Allie, Brianna, Alex, Heba, Diane, and Courtney, just before the start of their performance that crowned them Madison County Champions!!!!
Ariane Wright and Allie Sweatt lead the Tigers with a 1-2 finish in the Large School Division on Tuesday.
After the race, senior Diane Frese takes a moment to reflect on her race with her father, Pete.
Senior Sierra Gold-Smith runs in her last Madison County Meet for the Tigers.
Cynthia Chen works hard during the JV Race for the Tigers on Tuesday.

Tigers Celebrate Madison County Championships

On Tuesday, the Tigers swept the large school division of the Madison County Championships. Members from the boys and girls teams celebrate their championships!

Photos by Beth Warnecke!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tigers prepare for the Madison County Championships, held today at SIUE.

Allie Sweatt is pushing the pace during the Peoria High Invitational held at Detweiler Park in Peoria this past Saturday.
Garrett Sweatt gets out to a good start along with Caden Cramsey and Austin Abegg at the East Peoria Invitational. Photos by Valerie Sweatt.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Reminder: XCTF Booster Club Meeting tonight, Monday October 4 at 6:30 p.m.

Members of the Liberty Varsity Boy's Team is at the start of a recent invitational. Photo sent by Karen Schoenthal.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tigers run well at the Peoria High Invitational: Girls finish 11th and Boys finish 8th. Photos by Vickie Maxwell

Ariane Wright leads the Tigers by running a course PR.
Diane Frese and Brianna Chamberlain help one another out on way to running PRs on Saturday.
Courtney Lybarger runs her fastest time ever at Detweiler Park.
Chad Maxwell finishes second for the team and 42nd overall with a time of 15:39.6 on Saturday.
Part of the reason for Chad's breakout performance may be the new, running approved, Coach Rogers inspired, haircut....I mean shaving from Friday night!